Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Worst of the worst....

I know we have hundreds of list of the best songs ever made, but what was the worst song you ever heard from one of your favorite band or artist and why?

Fergie-London Bridge...This is a song I can't like. The beat and her voice are a mismatch. The song sounds like a Gwen Stefani throw-away. I know it is catchy but I can't like it. Hopefully that was her one bad song for me.

Now playing: Fergie - London Bridge
via FoxyTunes

All in ya ear...

I decided to start a music blog. I know there are millions of these out there, but I get to say what I want about music, so this one is mine. You can agree or disagree, all are welcome. I want to hear your thoughts about music. I won't limit it to one kind or another so don't be afraid to say what you like about music.

(Ok, let's keep it tangents about your problems)

I think I will post questions sometimes to keep you thinking.